Mr. Samuels is the proud owner of
Approved Roofing, LLC.
Established in 1971, this company was incorporated and directed by his loving brother Williams Samuels through the years of continuous growth. James Samuels started Samuels roofing in 1978. After many years of this group of brothers being a part of the Roofing industry, James merge his company with Approved Roofing LLC in 2007. James continues to be a vital part of this company's day-to-day operations and long term planning.
Mr. Samuels holds a state certified license in
roofing and residential building . Additionally, he is a past president of the SMRSMCA (Sarasota Manatee Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association).
Glenn Cobb - Sales Manager
Glenn Cobb has been with Approved Roofing, LLC since 1998. A vital part of our team, he serves as the head of our sales department. Under his strong leadership, the company has enjoyed a consistent annual increase in sales volume. Mr. Cobb has also been influential in maintaining customer relations.